Jayson Colima
Daniel Joshua PareƱo
John Kimuel Nieva
Arron Adrian Javal
and Friends
Java – full-featured programming language developed and marketed by Sun Microsystems.
- A descendant of the C and C++ programming languages, programmers can create entire application and control consumer electronic devices.
Tom Negrino
Dori Smith
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a programming language that you can use to add interactivity to your Web Pages. There are lots of JavaScript on the Web that you can copy and modify for your own use with a minimum of effort.
JavaScript is a script program that is include on an HTML page. It is enclosed in the <SCRIPT> tag, the text of the script doesn’t appear on the user screen, and the Web browser knows to run the JavaScript program. The <SCRIPT> tag is most often found within the <HEAD> section.
It is a object-oriented language.
Deals with in Web browsers such as windows, forms, and the elements of the form, such as buttons and check boxes.
Be aware that scripts you might see on the Internet will refer to objects like window[0] and form[1]. This is poor style for the reason given above, and you will find that it’s much easier for you to keep track of different objects in your scripts if you give them names instead of numbers.
Object has a properties. A window has a title, and a form can have a check box.
Changing a property of an object can modify the object, and the same property can apply to complete different objects.
Objects also have methods: buttons click(), windows open(), and text can be selected(). The parentheses signal that we’re referring to a method, rather than a property.
It might help you think of objects and properties as nouns, and methods as verbs. The former are things, and the latter are the actions that those things can do, or have done to them.
Handling Events
Events are the actions that the user perform while visiting your page. Submitting a form and moving a mouse over an image are two examples of events.
JavaScript deals with events using commands called event handlers.
onAbort – the user aborted loading the page
onBlur – the user left the object
onChange – the user change the object
onClick – the user clicked on an object
onError – the script encountered an error
onFocus – the user made an object active
onLoad – the object finished loading
onMouseover – the cursor move over an object
onMouseout – the cursor move off an object
onSelect – the user selected the contents of an object
onSubmit – the user submitted a form
onLoad – the user left the window
A complex project is made managable by first breaking it down into individual components in a hierarchical structure, known as the work breakdown structure, or the WBS. Such a structure defines tasks that can be completed independently of other tasks, facilitating resource allocation, assignment of responsibilities, and measurement and control of the project.
The work breakdown structure can be illustrated in a block diagram:
Because the WBS is a hierarchical structure, it may be conveyed in outline form:
Now days, online game was in demand to all college, high school, elementary students, or even in working a job. Yes, it help to socialize to other people even in outside of the country. But what are the effects of ONLINE GAMES?
1. You are always late in 1st subject class.
- Because if you are have internet in your house they will do their assignment in a few hours and they play a game in whole night. They always want to socialize to other gamer.
2. They will late or they did not attend their 2nd, 3rd, or in last subject class.
- This is another cause of online games. If their vacant time in there class they will go to computer shop they playing and spend their time to improve the level of their character on what they have in their account.
3. Sacrificing their health.
- Sometimes when you are in the middle of the game of your selected game you forget to eat at the regular time.
4. Wasting money from your parents.
I know there a lot of disadvantage and few advantage.
They always wasting my money, wasting my time, and for what? What reason?
I know there are some player are addicted in Online Games I don’t want to help you to out in that kind of place because I didn’t know how to help my self. You are the only one who can help your self.
All I know is to be responsible and control their self and think “this is not my CAREER I’m not a professional Gamer”. That's why I want to stop playing ONLINE GAMES.
I’m not the Only One…..!