Showing posts with label SmartDraw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SmartDraw. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Project Management (Who's Interesting)

Project Management is carefully planned and organized. It usable in building a certain project.

Example: If you creating Computer Software, Buildings, Roads, bridge, or a simple project.
Project management include planning, implementation.

I found some software that i can use in project management. I think it's cool, it is SmartDraw.
They say...
Create great-looking Gantt charts, and project schedules in minutes with SmartDraw."

This software is a 7 days trial... To learn this software...
When I open this Application it can really use in Project Managment
I want to study this software, I think it can help in our project management.

Gantt chart
lists tasks in a project on a timeline with their interdependencies. It often also shows who is responsible for what task. It is especially useful for planning tasks in a project, and monitoring progress as the project goes on. Gantt charts emphasise time rather than task relationships

is a matrix which lists on the vertical axis all the tasks to be performed. Each row contains a single task identification which usually consists of a number and name. The horizontal axis is headed by columns indicating estimated task duration, skill level needed to perform the task, and the name of the person assigned to the task, followed by one column for each period in the project's duration.

PERT chart
in comparison, looks more like a flow chart and concentrates on the relationships between tasks (especially their dependencies) and less on the timeline. PERT charts emphasise task relationships rather than time. It is a project management tool used to schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a project

chart presents a graphic illustration of a project as a network diagram consisting of numbered nodes

Work breakdown Structures

- a hierarchic decomposition or breakdown of a project or major activity into successive levels, in whcih each level is a finer breakdown of the preceding one.

The development of a project plan is predicated on having a clear and detailed understanding of both the tasks involved, the estimated length of time each task will take, the dependencies between thosetasks, and the sequence in which those tasks have to be performed.

A complex project is made managable by first breaking it down into individual components in a hierarchical structure, known as the work breakdown structure, or the WBS. Such a structure defines tasks that can be completed independently of other tasks, facilitating resource allocation, assignment of responsibilities, and measurement and control of the project.

The work breakdown structure can be illustrated in a block diagram:

Work Breakdown Structure Diagram

Because the WBS is a hierarchical structure, it may be conveyed in outline form:

Work Breakdown Structure Outline

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Task 1

Subtask 1.1

Work Package 1.1.1

Work Package 1.1.2

Work Package 1.1.3

Subtask 1.2

Work Package 1.2.1

Work Package 1.2.2

Work Package 1.2.3

Task 2

Subtask 2.1

Work Package 2.1.1

Work Package 2.1.2

Work Package 2.1.3